I appears that the latest Mozilla build is drastically broken.

The last download that I obtained had the 2001060713 build.  If you go to
my website and click on the broswer info link, everything is fine.
The Java installed is: Java Plug-in 1.3.0_01

After installing the latest build, I copied over the contents of the old
plugin directory to the new.  I then  went to a site and the browser
froze immediately.  I tried it again, freeze :-(  So, what the Hell, try
displaying the browser info to see if anything is strange.  It was alright,
instant freeze.  Renamed the java .so link so that it won't find it.
Instant freeze.

What good is this version if all it does is freeze this easily?

Anhone else having this problem with the 12/18/01 build?

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