On Sat, Dec 29, 2001 at 08:55:53AM -0600 or thereabouts, Dave Ihnat wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 28, 2001 at 11:28:28PM -0600, Gary wrote:
> > I just today bought a Linksys 10/100 5-port switch which came *with* an
> > ether10/100 PCI card in the box... for $55  This also includes a shared
> > uplink port for other switches/Hubs..  Couldn't pass it up.
> It is, indeed, a good deal.  There are some folk out there to whom even
> $55 is too much, though.

> > I am doing the same thing, file/print sharing with wife's computer,
> > so she can use my laser..
> I'd strongly suggest getting a printserver; It relieves a lot of headaches.
>     -You no longer have to have a server machine running to use the printer
>     -It doesn't affect the performance of the server machine
>     -Printservers are as cheap as switches.
>     -They interact well with both Windoze and Linux

Now there is an idea. I did not know that about the cost.. Interesting.
Also true about not having my server running... 

> The only thing you _may_ lose,  if you have it now, is interaction with
> the printer that tells you the state of the ink cartridges, drum, etc.
> Big deal.  I've been running the NetGear PS110 for over a year now,
> supporting Linux and Win9x/NT/2k  (all at once).

I will check it out. 

> > My thinking is that right now, it sure beats wireless for 2
> > puters, and a laptop.. now we are talking about $400, versus $55 and
> > about 60 feet of cable, which will fit nicely coming up from the
> > basement into 2 rooms through the cable TV connection holes in the
> > floor.  Also, wireless is a lot slower, 11 versus 100Mbps..  
> If you can run the cable, wireless is certainly more expensive and
> problem- prone than a wired connection.  As you've found, following cable
> TV works.  Also, most homes--even very old ones--have a single passage
> for the ventilation stack for the bathrooms that cuts through all floors.
> Works nicely as a cable run.

Good idea... I just came from the hardware store for a drill bit, and am
putting in another hole next to the cable. .. much easier that way.. 

> G'luck,

thanks,, half way there.. <g>

Best regards,

Today's thought:   When you come to a fork in the road, take it!

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