On Sat, Dec 29, 2001 at 10:16:31PM -0700, Ted Hilts wrote:
> I need some basic information about tape units in the Linux
> environment.  I understood - perhaps incorrectly - that TAR would work
> with any tape unit as long as the tape unit was properly designated in
> the system. This was according to the builder of the Linux Box.  

Well, 'tar', as with other Unix/Linux programs, uses the system device
drivers to get to the tape drive (or any device, for that matter).
The program could care less if it's talking to a regular file, over a comm
link or network, or a device, as long as it looks like a stream of data.

Each device (except some implementations of shared memory) has an
instantiation visible in the filesystem as a special file (shows as a
type block or character, with an associated major/minor device number).

> IS IT NECESSARY TO INSTALL DRIVERS before Linux can utilize a tape unit
> or do the drivers come as part of Linux?  The tape unit is Seagate model
> #STT28000A-RF ATAPI drive - Travan 8 Gig.

The answer is, categorically, there must be a driver either built as a
part of the kernel, or installed as a module.  As to whether the driver
is built in the release of Linux you're using, or available as modules,
I don't know-- you'll have t look.

> If drivers are required and if they were installed where would I look
> for them and how would I reenable them?

Presuming it's RedHat Linux, look at the supported hardware for the
shipped kernel.  If your drive isn't listed, you can build a custom
kernel or load module drivers for it.  I presume this drive can be run
through either the ATAPI tape driver, or SCSI emulation.

Look for /dev/ht0 and /dev/st0.  With a tape in the drive, try 'dd
if=/dev/ht0 of=/usr/tmp/foo count=1".  If that doesn't work, try the same
command with '/dev/st0'.  If neither works, your drive was never set up
or, if it was, something has changed to invalidate the configuration.

If either one DOES access the drive, then you're not addressing it properly.
Look at how 'tar'--or any other program using the tape drive--is invoked.
Make sure it's using the proper device.  Check default device names--look
at the man page.

        Dave Ihnat

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