On 12/30/01, 03:36:15PM -0600, Dave Ihnat wrote:

> > If one logs in under X, apparently login and X BOTH start login shells.
> > I say this because what I see happening is that the path appendices from
> > my /etc/profile and my ~/.bash_profile are added twice.  This does not >
> > happen if I log into a console, which would be a login only under login.
> Well, it's been a while since I went through this, but no, I don't
> believe so.  Rather, it runs through the 'X' initialization, and IIRC,
> there's a piece of script that is either conditional or commented out
> that will then go through your normal shell initialization.  You don't
> get two login shells, though.

As I use gnome with the gnome display manager, I end up starting
/etc/X11/xdm/Xsession, passing the argument "gnome-session".  I have
this line in my Xsession, at line number 93:

       exec -l $SHELL -c "gnome-session"

Am I correct that this replaces the currently active login shell with a
new one?  The -l options would seem to indicate a new login shell; the
-c "gnome-session" passed as an argument.

If I've got this right, the "substitute" shell, invoked as a login
shell, would cause re-sourcing of /etc/profile and ~/.bash_profile,
in turn causing the path issue.

Does this sound right?  I'm supposing there are good reasons to have the
new shell be a login shell.  But, what way might there be to stop the
re-reading of the initialization files?

John P. Verel
Living Proof That Low Tech Beats High Tech!

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