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Dan Egli wrote:

>There's been a couple of times lately that this has happened. I'm lost as to
>the cause.
>All connections to the outside world will stop. So I go over to the console,
>and load up the local login I keep (root is always logged in via tty2). I do
>a netstat to see if something is hitting me. But instead of getting the
>netstat result I get a message saying something to the tune of "fork:
>resource unavbailable". This occurs for ANYTHING, REGARDLESS OF IF IT FORKS.
>i.e. ls will return this. ps will return it, ANYTHING. I cannot even do a
>clean reboot. Only solution is to cold boot and let it fsck the drives. THEN
>all is well.

Something's running you out of resources (as if you couldn't guess).  
'ls' and 'ps' are external commands, so yes, they require another
process. 'echo' is a builtin'; you'll notice that one still works at 
times like that.  (Fat lotta good that will do.)

- - Try taking a snapshot of your CPU load every couple of minutes and 
dump it to a file.  That might leave a clue after a crash.

- - If you can get a console window open, try 'exec reboot' when that 
happens.  That has a fair chance of getting you a clean shutdown when 
you can't fork a process.

- -d

- -- 
David Talkington

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