On Wed, Jan 02, 2002 at 10:03:53PM -0600, Bret Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| Cameron Simpson wrote:
| >On Wed, Jan 02, 2002 at 07:13:47PM -0500, fred smith 
| >|    for i in (*)
| >
| >Have you actually TRIED this? It sure as hell ought not to work. Jeez.
|  Ha ! Chill out Cameron. Not everyone is as experienced as you in this 
| stuff.  Fred has been doing too much perl or php.  The loop works great 
| without the parens.

No. It sort of works without the parens. His quoting problems (lack of) will
bite him as soon as he hits a less common filename.

I second the suggestion to get the rename script (DO NOT get the
/usr/bin/rename on RedHat distros; it is totally different and  of such
woeful functionality as to make me wonder what it's doing in a system
directory). A copy of rename can be had from here:


(No, I didn't write it, but it's tres useful) and I have a script called "lc" here:


which is a simple wrapper for it because I lowercase filenames a lot.

| Don't get pissed, I love reading your posts and have learned a whole 
| boot load of shell programming from you.  Looks like you have not had 
| your coffee yet.  What time is it there anyway?

3:45pm. My coffee is cold :-(
Cameron Simpson, DoD#743        [EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://www.zip.com.au/~cs/

Meddle not in the affairs of Wizards, for it makes them soggy and hard to
re-light.       - Curt Howland "Ace", [EMAIL PROTECTED], DoD#0663

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