There are a couple of ways,
The easiest way is to install ssh when you first install linux from your redhat CD-ROM. If installing rpm's scares you, this is the way to go for newbies.
The second easy way is to install the openssh*.rpm from your RedHat CD (Usually disk 1 or 2) For example, use rpm -ivh openssh*.rpm or  rpm -Uvh openssh*.rpm Also, you probably need to install a few other packages that it requires, for example openssl*.rpm. It's worthwhile reading up on the rpm utility. It's usually a much faster way to install because it hides alot of details from you.
The third way is to build it from source. This is certainly the most flexible way to go. When you first install RedHat, make sure you install the software development tools. You can retrieve the source from various places, for example check out and These site have detailed instructions on how to build and install from the source code. It's a great learning experience, but you will have to do some reading and learn how to find the source sources for free help out there amoung the many open source mailing lists and web sites.
*** You will never truly feel the power of the freedom that open source can bring until you learn how to (a) download from the open source project's main web site, (b) build and (c) install from source (d) get help from other open source enthusists (e) complete the cycle by contributing to a project or helping others. I know sound religous, but really, it's alot of fun! ***
That said, If I were relativly new to Linux, I would
(a) try to install as much as possible through the install process
(b) learn how to use rpm by installing a few things with it
(c) pick a few projects (topics really important to me) and learn how to build them from source
        for example, I build my email server (postfix), database (PostgreSQL), DNS server (BIND), POP3 server (qpopper), web servers (Apache, Jetty, Tomcat) and all the Java project I use from source. Most other things I just try to get by with the install or rpm tools.
As far as ssh on win32 goes, so far, I have only used ssh with cygwin and I've paid for a ssh client from But I am looking for some other free ssh clients.
Happy New Year!!!
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Madhvi Nundalalee
Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 11:39 PM
Subject: SSH

How do I set up SSH on my Linux server and on a win2K client PC

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