Thanks for giving such a detailed answer.  One more question though:

On Sat, 5 Jan 2002, Mike Burger wrote:

> On Sat, 5 Jan 2002, David Kramer wrote:
> > I know this can be done, but looking at the man pages for the network 
> > configuration files, I am at a loss.
> > 
> > I currently have a linux box connected to a DSL line with a static IP 
> > address and domain name.  I now have a second IP address, and will soon 
> > have another domain name.
> This will work...but did you know that you don't need a separate IP to 
> have a second domain name?  Unless you need to run a secure web server, 
> it's not a necessity, any more.

Yes, I know this, but my DSL package comes with two IP addresses, so...

> > 1) How do I set up the network configuration to accept two IP addresses on 
> > the same card?
> Most people will tell you to use netcfg to accomplish this.  I use webmin, 
> myself...or, you can just create a file called 
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0:0 (the :0, :1, etc all indicate 
> virtual interfaces...the one card, eth0, will then answer to any IP 
> assigned to eth0:x)

I'm a "back up the config file with rcs then tweak them in vi" kinda guy 

> The format of this file is the same as ifcfg-eth0, but doesn't need 
> everything that is in the ifcfg-eth0 file.  You'll really only need the 
> following lines:
> DEVICE=eth0:0 (or eth0:1, etc)
> (put in the new IP address, here)
> NETMASK=yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy (if your new IP address is in the same range as 
>       the old one, this should be the same as the netmask in ifcfg-eth0.  
>       Otherwise, you should put in whichever netmask you were assigned.)

So is this in addition to, or instead of the ifcfg-eth0 file?  DO I put 
the "default" IPADDR and NETMASK in ifcfg-eth0, or leave it out?

> > 2) If I want to have different email addresses on the second domain name, 
> > how can I do that?
> The specifics vary, depending on which MTA you're using, but in most 
> cases, it revolves around using the virtual user table.  Check your MTA's 
> documentation regarding implementation of virtual users and domains.

I was afraid of that.  I'm using sendmail, and virtusertable looks VERY 
complicated.  Maybe I'm reading too much into it.

DDDD   David Kramer                 
DKK D  Gravity is a harsh mistress!
DK KD                                                    - The Tick

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