Trying to connect to the Linux from a 2000 box via Network Neighborhood I can see the Linux computer. But trying to access any folders I defined as shared in the smb.conf file I get an error message:
The network path \\<nameofcomputer>\<nameofsharedfolder> could not be found.
When I try running smbpasswd -j <nameofdomain> -r <nameofPDC> i get this error:
cli_net_auth2: Error NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
cli_nt_setup_creds: auth2 challenge failed
modify_trust_password: unable to setup the PDC credentials to machine <nameofPDC> Error was : NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED.
2002/01/10 05:28:26 : change_trust_account_password: Faliled to change password for domain <nameofdomain>
Unable to join domain LBJS.
I try running smbpasswd with my accout that i have set up on the NT domain and set up in Linux. smbdpasswd -U <usernameonNTdomain> -r <nameofPDC> -j <nameofdomain>  It asks for a password for the user and then i get the error message "Unable to join domeain <nameofdomain>"
I've run nmblookup <nameoflinuxserver> it says the following:
querying <nameoflinuxserver> on
name_query failed to find name <nameoflinuxserver>
in my smb.conf file i have this config:
workgroup = <nameofdomain>
interfaces = <ipoflinuxbox>
NetBIOS name = <netbiosnameIgaveit>
remote access =<nameofdomain>
    path = /home
    public = yes
    writeable = yes
    printable = no
    browsable = yes
    guest ok = yes
I run the testparm and everything checks out fine.  I don't have a clue as to why I can't map the linux box from my win2k machine so any help would be awesome!

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