On Thu, 2002-01-17 at 14:21, Mike Burger wrote:
> I've got a weird problem.
> One of my systems can not connect to a remote host...while every other 
> system on the network can.
> Now, I thought that maybe it was a matter of the IP being blocked/filtered 
> at the remote end...but at the time, the system was acting as a mail 
> server, and a masquerading firewall...so all connections to the remote end 
> looked like they were coming from the same IP.  Yet, connections directly 
> from the system in question were failing (even when had run "service 
> iptables stop").
> So, thinking it might have to do with the firewall system, I put together 
> a dedicated firewall, and put the server behind it.  Now, with the 
> firewall masquerading that connection, the connections appear to be coming 
> from the firewall's IP.  Great?  No.
> The firewall can make connections to the remote host, and the server still 
> can not.
> So, I'm now trying to figure out what's going on with this system.  There 
> are no extraneous routes on the system...just the localhost, local 
> network, and default gateway.  This is a RH 7.1 box, fully up2dated.
> Any ideas?  Anyone else having a similar problem?

Not similar probs but lots of ideas.

Can you ping the remote box?  what does traceroute show?  
What service are you trying? does it have a debug/verbose mode?


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