>>>>> "Nick" == Nick Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    > Well, that sounds reasonable but don't you have to 'make
    > install' as root if you want to make programs availabe to other
    > users?
    > - -- 

That is why I, also, prefer /usr/local/src for anything I am compiling
manually.  I make that one directory writable by super-user (me) and
compile as the super-user.  Then I su to root and "make install" after
I'm sure that the compiled program is going to work.  If I have to do
a "make clean" at any point, I can do that as "super-user" as well.

I keep /usr/src only for a build directory for source rpms.  Mostly
because that is the default build directory for Red Hat.



Alas, I am dying beyond my means.
  -- Oscar Wilde, as he sipped champagne on his deathbed

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