On Tue, 2002-01-22 at 11:19, Dave Ihnat wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 22, 2002 at 10:35:08AM -0600, Chris Montgomery wrote:
> > I suspect that most of the aforementioned products require having Linux
> > and Windows running on two systems at the same time, but I could be wrong.
> I'm afraid you are wrong.

<big snip>

> The short answer to your question, "Can I do this", is an unmitigated yes.
> The cost depends on what you need to run--some applications work fine with
> Wine today, some under Win4Lin, and VMWare seems to fill the top billet (in
> both flexibility and cost.)

One thing I will add is that I have runinto apps that will not run in
win4lin.  Macromedia Flash will not and a note to NetTraverse tech
support garnered a reply on the lines of yep we know and are looking at

The newer versions of Swish(shareware flash movie builder) also will not
work due to the thrid party license validation scheme that apparently
writes/reads directly to the harddrive and gets confused in the virtual
filesystem scheme of win4lin/linux.  I have no idea whether these apps
work in vmware but I thought I would mention it.


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