DING DING DING! You win the prize! The prize, helping a newbie save his last
few hairs in his head...
rpm --redhatprovides
is the command i have been looking for the thing i have wished for a VERY
long time. and no you dont need to tel me its allways been there..im sure it
has been..
just took the right person to tell me of its existence..

In previous posts i was well aware of the rpms rpm was telling me i needed.
It was those darn single files in god knows what RPM that has been a REAL


Would it be possible in the upcoming ver's of RPM to have RPM auto do a
 rpm --redhatprovides when its telling you of single file not RPM dep
problems as in this case:
libgmp.so.3   is needed by python-1.5.2-35
Sure would be nice for RPM to go ahead and do a rpm --redhatprovides for us
if it knows its not an RPM its telling you that you need.
One way of telling one from another i have noticed is that if its an rpm
there allways seems to be a >= in the dep line it gives you as in this case:
python-xmlrpc >= 1.4.4 is needed by rhn_register-2.7.2-7.x.8

However there is no >= or anything like it in single file dep problems..(im
sure i could be wrong but have seen none)..so perhaps we could do a

if dep output line does not have >=
do (rpm --redhatprovides;end)
else (print the dep output line;end)

I hope you can unserstand my sorry newbie programing like way of trying to
get my idea through..

----- Original Message -----
From: "Devon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 10:05 PM
Subject: Re: more dep's problems..

> Hash: SHA1
> On Thursday 24 January 2002 09:27 pm, Jim Bija wrote:
> > Ok, so ive been trying to get up2date working on a machine that during
> > install did not have it chosen for install...Ive been fighting dep's
> > problem left and right.
> > Ive asked this question before, with little luck in replies..So ill ask
> > again, only this time ill be to the point..
> > How can i find the .RPM's needed to install the following 2 RPM's?
> > up2date-2.7.11-7.x.2.i386.rpm
> > rhn_register-2.7.2-7.x.8.i386.rpm
> >
> > this has been my experience... ive come to an end of the road with this
> > LIB file thats in god knows what RPM. please help...
> >
> > [root@ns1 root]# rpm -ivh rhn_register-2.7.2-7.x.8.i386.rpm
> > error: failed dependencies:
> Rpm is giving you the answer to your question.
> >         python >= 1.5.2 is needed by rhn_register-2.7.2-7.x.8
> You need python version greater than or equal to 1.5.2
> >         rpm-python >= 4.0.2 is needed by rhn_register-2.7.2-7.x.8
> You need rpm-python version greater than or equal to 4.02
> >         python-xmlrpc >= 1.4.4 is needed by rhn_register-2.7.2-7.x.8
> python-xmlrpc >= 1.4.4
> >         /usr/bin/python   is needed by rhn_register-2.7.2-7.x.8
> This will be satisfied by installing python as noted above.
> > [root@ns1 root]# rpm -ivh rhn_register-2.7.2-7.x.8.i386.rpm
> > python-xmlrpc-1.5.0-1.i386.rpm python-1.5.2-35.i386.rpm
> > error: failed dependencies:
> >         rpm-python >= 4.0.2 is needed by rhn_register-2.7.2-7.x.8
> again, install rpm-python version >= 4.0.2
> >         libgmp.so.3   is needed by python-1.5.2-35
> $ rpm --redhatprovides libgmp.so.3
> gmp-3.1.1-3
> Install gmp-[version][arch].rpm
> - -D
> - --
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