On 10:09 27 Jan 2002, adrian kok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| I will create several home directories
| eg: home2, home3, home4
| how do I set the home directory eg: home2 or home3
| when I create a new account?
| because the default is home directory

If you're using adduser then RTFM:

       -d home_dir
              The  new user will be created using home_dir as the
              value for the user's login directory.  The  default
              is to append the login name to default_home and use
              that as the login directory name.

It's right there, plain as day.
Cameron Simpson, DoD#743        [EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://www.zip.com.au/~cs/

But not in the World According to Microsoft where users are idiots and
Wizards claim a monopoly on common sense. I want smart software, but if
I can't have that, I want dumb software that knows it is dumb and comes
to me for help, not dumb software that thinks it is smart and tells me
lies it believes to be true. - [EMAIL PROTECTED] in RISKS 20.63 on
        route planning software saying you can't get there from here

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