Hi Cameron

I tried adduser -d home2 nicole, but it doesn't work!

adduser: invalid home directory `home2'

please help 

Thank you

[root@adrian /]# ls
boot    dos      home2  lost+found  opt   sbin 
service      usr
[root@adrian /]# adduser -d home2 nicole
adduser: invalid home directory `home2'

Cameron Simpson wrote:

  On 10:09 27 Jan 2002, adrian kok
  | I will create several home directories
  | eg: home2, home3, home4
  | how do I set the home directory eg: home2 or home3
  | when I create a new account?
  | because the default is home directory

  If you're using adduser then RTFM:

         -d home_dir
                The  new user will be created using
home_dir as the
                value for the user's login directory. 
The  default
                is to append the login name to
default_home and use
                that as the login directory name.

  It's right there, plain as day.

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