With that in mind we can safely state the original question was NOT off 
topic.  I'm sorry if some people here are uncomfortable with the 
question but it's also inappropriate to continue this debate as nothing 
will come from it.. except perhaps a new TOS from redhat :-)

I totally agree with Rodolfo's comment below.  This was an opportunity 
for RedHat to "learn" why someone would rather not use their product. 
 That is why I responded almost immediately asking him why was he 
looking for another distro?  It's very possible that RedHat provides 
whatever he was looking for.  He simply could have been unaware of the 
"feature".  BTW, he never did reply to my question (or I simply missed 
it).  What was he looking for that RedHat couldn't do?

Oh and yes I've gone to restaurants and asked where I can find a good 
restaurant... Usually I'm looking for something they don't have (chinese 
vs italian vs mexican for example).  It's not that unusual of a question 
guys :-)


> At 1/29/2002 01:10 PM -0500, you wrote:
>> Bottom line is a representative from Red Hat has already said that the
>> original post in the thread was inappropriate.
> I disagree, Bob. Trond spoke as an individual as he always does on 
> this list (one of the reasons he can express himself quite freely); he 
> did not represent Red Hat's official position, nor did he claim to do so.
> I'm sorry (really!) that this discussion makes Trond uncomfortable, 
> yet I still believe that it's more than relevant since it provides a 
> wonderful window for Red Hat personnel to learn about what their 
> customers like about the competition. My God... free market research!
> This list is extremely centered on Red Hat issues, and I believe 
> everyone here runs one or more RHL systems. However, never have I seen 
> anyone say that discussion of Mustangs or Mandrake was forbidden, even 
> though they are indeed off-topic. 

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