At 1/29/2002 11:45 AM -0700, you wrote:
>Oh and yes I've gone to restaurants and asked where I can find a good 
>restaurant... Usually I'm looking for something they don't have (chinese 
>vs italian vs mexican for example).  It's not that unusual of a question 
>guys :-)

As a follow-up, I've point-blank told some restaurants that their food 
looked great but their prices were too expensive, and where else could I 
go? The answer was taken as an indicator of their greed vs. dedication to 
good service, and to those who answered honestly and with interest in mind 
I made a point to return some other time.

"Why don't you like my product?" is a question to which it is difficult to 
get honest answers. A discussion like this is *invaluable* for a company 
looking to improve (even though it is understandably difficult as hell for 
loyal employees to watch someone verbally shred their product).

Rodolfo J. Paiz

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