I have recently upgraded to kernel 2.4.9 using. However i am getting
that the kernel does not support ipchains. I thought at first it was because
iptables was running, when i try to kill iptables i get this message:
/etc/rc.d       /init.d/iptables stop
Resetting built-in chains to the default ACCEPT policy:    [  OK  ]

I dont want to reset them, i want iptables gone, as i know you cant use both
at the same time..

ipchains -L does this:
ipchains: Incompatible with this kernel

Any ideas? I would glady use iptables, however ive never wrote tables..
are the simple chains im trying.. if someone could offer a table to do the
same, i guess that would solve my problem too..well i hope..

ipchains -I input -p tcp --dport 22 -j DENY
ipchains -I input -p tcp --dport 22 -s x.x.x.x -j ACCEPT
ipchains -I input -p tcp --dport 22 -s x.x.x.x -j ACCEPT

Thanks for the help, ill now go and learn tables..  :)


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