On Wed, 2002-01-30 at 14:35, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hello, I am having very common mouse lockups under RH 7.2 when using the
> keyboard.  The result is complete loss of mouse activity, but the keyboard
> continues to work.
> I am able to reproduce this problem 100% of the time after going into X by
> merely pressing the num-lock key.
> If I try to ctl-alt-f1 then ctl-alt-f7 again, it locks both keyboard and
> mouse and I have to telnet in to fix it.  In order to "fix" the lockup, I
> do a ctl-alt-f1 and kill -9 the X process.  Since i'm in run level 5, X
> restarts and the mouse works fine again until the next lockup.
> I have tried different kernel versions and different keyboards so far.
> Has anyone else seen this problem?
> -- 
> Brian Hayward

More then likely this is not a problem with your mouse, but an X related
problem. What version of X are you running? What video card do you have?

        Jim H

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