Can't think of anything off the top of my head, but you might try asking
on the linux-java list ( see for info ).

On Friday 01 February 2002 09:44, you wrote:
> Any Java experts out there? I have JDK 1.3.1 installed on Redhat 7.2. I
> have an application that opens up several java processes. I have another
> app that I want to run, but I want to be able to kill it. Is there a way of
> telling the difference in the java processes? Right now when I run it and
> do a ps -ef | grep java, expectedly it just lists all the java processes.
> On Netware you can do a java -show and it lists the processes, I believe by
> the class file that started them. Any equivalent command on JDK for Linux?
> Thanks,
> James

Rob Saul.:|:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:| recta non tolerandum sunt

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