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I have a cron job that syncs an entire volume onto a backup volume 
nightly.   The command is simple:

# rsync -av --delete /export /mnt/backup

where /export is /dev/md0 (a pair of mirrored drives) and /mnt/backup
is /dev/hdb1, on a spare controller by itself, mounted just in time
for this operation and then umounted.  Both are ext3 volumes, and are 
45G and 40G respectively.

According to the logs, the first sync after my recent 
deletion/reorganization of tens of gigabytes on the source volume 
produced a lot of these errors, which have been present in every sync 
since then:

building file list ... done
Warning: unexpected read size of 0 in map_ptr
Warning: unexpected read size of 0 in map_ptr
Warning: unexpected read size of 0 in map_ptr
Warning: unexpected read size of 0 in map_ptr
Warning: unexpected read size of 0 in map_ptr
Warning: unexpected read size of 0 in map_ptr
Warning: unexpected read size of 0 in map_ptr
Warning: unexpected read size of 0 in map_ptr
Warning: unexpected read size of 0 in map_ptr
Warning: unexpected read size of 0 in map_ptr
Warning: unexpected read size of 0 in map_ptr
Warning: unexpected read size of 0 in map_ptr

ad nauseum.  Perhaps this suggests a write at the time of the read,
but some of these occur on files which were not open (mozilla wasn't
running, for instance).  Weirder is this ... RQ.pm is a Perl module,
nothing but text, but look at the outputs of 'ls -al' and 'file' for 
the two versions:

atlantis:root 506 # ls -al /mnt/backup/home/systems/raymond/lib/RQ.pm
- -rwxr-xr-x    1 systems  systems     75941 Feb  6 16:54 

atlantis:root 507 # file !$
file /mnt/backup/home/systems/raymond/lib/RQ.pm
/mnt/backup/home/systems/raymond/lib/RQ.pm: data

atlantis:root 508 # ls -al /export/home/systems/raymond/lib/RQ.pm
- -rwxr-xr-x    1 systems  systems     61220 Feb  6 16:54 

atlantis:root 509 # file !$
file /export/home/systems/raymond/lib/RQ.pm
/export/home/systems/raymond/lib/RQ.pm: ASCII English text

Visually, the backed up version appears ok, and 'cat -v RQ.pm' doesn't
show me any garbage characters.  Yet it's being reported as a binary
file, and clearly the size differs.

I have umounted and fsck'd both the source and backup volumes, and
both came up clean. Oddly, though, the fsck of /dev/md0 told me that
the filesystem had been modified, but didn't appear to have found any
errors or made any changes.

What might be causing this apparent corruption?  

- -d

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