At 03:36 PM 2/9/02 -0800, David Talkington wrote:

>Warning: unexpected read size of 0 in map_ptr
>Warning: unexpected read size of 0 in map_ptr
>Warning: unexpected read size of 0 in map_ptr
>Warning: unexpected read size of 0 in map_ptr
>What might be causing this apparent corruption?  

For some unknown reason (unknown to me at any rate) the rsync that ships
with RH 7.x (up to and including rsync-2.4.6-10) doesn't work properly
(under some conditions) if you ask it to perform an incremental update of a
file when the entire file has changed. This may only be on ext3, and may
only depend on the rsync version on the receiving end. I haven't looked
into it extensively. I noticed this to my great annoyance _after_ one of
the drives in my RAID-0 array decided it wasn't going to spin up anymore
(thankfully I keep multiple backups).

Anyhow I was able to eliminate the error messages, and the corresponding
errors, by preventing rsync from trying to incrementally update files. I
use the command:

rsync -Wax --delete --delete-excluded $source $backup_server/$dest_dir

Which seems to make everything happy (usually I don't make small changes to
big files anyway, but I could see this being a problem if you have big
files holding filesystem images). If you really want to be able to do
incremental updates you can try upgrading to a newer rsync (I have 2.5.2 as
an RPM if you want it), but I'm not entirely sure that it fixes the problem.

If you feel like figuring out exactly what causes the problem and whether
or not it is fixed with a newer version of rsync you may want to report
this on bugzilla.

Who is this General Failure, and why is he reading my hard disk?

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