
On Tuesday 12 February 2002 01:03, you said something about:
> Have a server that is being messed around with in order to learn the
> server. Someone deleted the /dev fs and we think it is a good
> learning experience. What do I do to restore this fs and what can I
> read for more information?

It's scary to think this is becoming a FAQ. ;)

You could try the easy way out and simply grab the "dev-X.X-X.rpm" off the 
CD, or someplace you can get to, and reinstall it. You will likely need to 
add the "--force" option, since it will believe you already have it installed.

If you really want to be manly and learn lots from this experience you can 
read up on MAKEDEV. (man MAKEDEV)

Brian Ashe                                                     CTO
Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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