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Edward Marczak wrote:

>Anyway - good suggestion.  One I hadn't thought of.  Really, for me, the
>question of, 'will it work' is system dependant.  For example; on a mail
>server, I'm going to compile and install sendmail and IMAP from scratch -
>that's just the way I am.  On a web server, Apache, ssl and php are going to
>come in from scratch.  On a development server, which may have all of the
>above, the bulk will come in from scratch.  But I'm not a KDE developer, so
>I have no interest in compiling KDE - rpms are fine, thank you.
>Also, when a security issue is announced, I want to look at the source, not
>wait for someone to come up with an rpm, and get an update installed.

Edward - 

For reference, I agree with your philosophy, and do not use rpm for
server software.  The problem with your --nodeps approach is that you
will occasionally cause problems with binaries that are built with
specific versions of specific libraries. The right way around this
issue, in my opinion, is to take a cue from FHS and don't mingle your
stuff with Red Hat's.  I put openssl at /usr/local/openssl-0.9.6c,
with the current version always symlinked at /usr/local/openssl.  
Same with zlib and friends.  When you build your server software, make
sure your custom libraries are ahead of Red Hat's in LD_LIBRARY_PATH,
or /etc/ld.so.conf if appropriate.  Better yet, tell configure
explicitly which libs to use, if you have that option.

Done this way, you can keep all rpms current across the board without
using outdated libraries for your live software.

- -d

- -- 
David Talkington

PGP key: http://www.prairienet.org/~dtalk/0xCA4C11AD.pgp
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