On Fri, 15 Feb 2002 17:49:49 -0800
Hidong Kim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> claimed:

> Hi,
> I have a machine with an 800 MB swap partition.  To run a particular
> application, I need 1,000 MB swap.  It appears that I can't create a
> swap file bigger than 4,880 kB.  Is this correct?  How would I get
> more swap space without having to re-partition?  Thanks,

man mkswap

It gives an example for creating a swapfile. You just need someplace to put it/them.

Swapfiles have the added advantage of being something you can delete to free space up 
again on a partition, and being locatable anywhere, though booting might complain 
about not finding anything not on the root partition.

An NT server can be run by any idiot, and usually is.

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