> 1st alternative: Get mailfilter (freshmeat, icewalker, etc), set that
> address as a known spammer's address, run it manually and let it delete
> it. End of problem. You can keep it around to use it again in the future
> if this should arise.
> 2nd alternative: have a client, any client, do a check directly to the
> ISP, receive it, destroy it, be done with it.
> I use number 1 repeatedly, and call it in a script run by cron to first
> delete, then download the remainder with fetchmail.

BRILLIANT - thank you kindly sir. Alternative 1 is the go.

Installled the mailfilter rpm, copied the example rc file, added the
'preconnect "mailfilter"' line to .fetchmailrc and off she went!

Excellent program!

Jeez, how would I find these little gems without this list? Can't begin to
tell you how much bandwidth (=money) this is going to save me!

Thank you very much.......

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