Use "> crontab -e" to configure cron.  Most likely you will have vi opening your crontab kind of icky if you don't know how to use it.  You can set your editor to anything with "> export EDITOR=<Your_favorite_Editor>" for bash, use setenv for csh.  Run the export or setenv before the crontab -e.  logrotate is different as it is built in, check /etc/logrotate.d/ and /etc/logrotate.conf.  Cron is your friend I recommend you learn how it functions as it will make your life easier once you do.  In general like every thing else you should run cron jobs as a user other than root .
-----Original Message-----
From: Alexander Shaw [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 5:40 AM
To: Redhat List
Subject: Newbie - Creating a Cron Job

Hi all,
In the process of making things up as I go along again.
I have created a logrotate file on the direction of another person to back up my databases on MySQL. Now I understand that this needs to be called from Cron for it to work.
Having had a browse around I see there is a reference to logrotate in the cron.daily folder, do I need to add anything extra to ensure that the file I have added is executed? For the purpose of testing what extra could I add to run the process at short intervals to check it is working?

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