Hello All. I have a Dell Inspiron 5000e which is dual booting Windows 2000 and RedHat 7.2. I have encountered frequent lockups with my system when I boot into Linux. The screen will go black and the system quits resonding. When I try to boot Linux, the text portion of the process works fine all the way up to the point where it is about to enter the GUI at that point it will sometimes lockup. It sometimes will happen three or four times in a row and then after repeated reboots, I can finally get it to boot. I also have this problem sometimes when I try to log off, shutdown/reboot from Linux, enter Standy By, and switch virtual consoles via (CTRL + ALT + Fnc key). Sometimes these actions work correctly and other times they cause the same lockup (ie a black screen with no response from keyboard).
I have the most recent BIOS from Dell installed. I believe I have all of the Advanced Power stuff disabled in the BIOS. I would like some suggestions as to how I can prevent this? By the way...I encountered the same problem with version 7.0 installed.
Jason Hindson

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