--- Reply to a message ---
By: bbales 
->: a Mail 
:>: Re: RH 7.2 CDROM issue, Dell OptiPlex GX1

> I had a great deal of trouble installing RH7.2 on one of three
> identical machines.  Locked up ten seconds after selecting graphics
> install.
> Found that installing with "linux mem=64m" did the trick - (linux
> mem=128m didn't work, even though the machine had 128M of memory.)
> Machines were Athlon 800MHz with sis MBs. bruce

try noathlon in lilo, mem=128M should work then, there is a known problem
with redhat 7.2 and athlon, read it on redhat homepage


 Benny Pedersen  http://xpoint.ldnet.dk/  icq:36248146

...Always draw your curves, then plot the data.

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