Hi there,
when I write up2date -u, then It says that "The total size of the selected
packages (166498KB) exceeds your free disk space (36605KB).

Which partion do Up2date use for update?
What should I do to finish up2date?
If I reinstall RH7.2 , how should I make partitions?
RAM= 128

Here is partiotions on my disk
Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda10              381139     72496    288965  21% /
/dev/hda7                46636      5794     38434  14% /boot
/dev/hda9               790556     16468    733928   3% /home
none                     63320         0     63320   0% /dev/shm
/dev/hda8              2174176   1238000    825732  60% /usr
/dev/hda11              256667    206814     36601  85% /var

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