Just taking a shot here since I have something similiar at home (though
using a Netgear hub and switch).

Is there buttons you can press to enable connections to another hub/switch
(so that you don't have to use a crossover cable)? Is there an "uplink"
port on each switch?

Use the uplink port on both, and push the "uplink" button on *one* of
the switches.

If there's no uplink toggle switch, then I believe you have to use a
crossover cable to connect the two switches together.

Paul Greene

On Tue, 12 Mar 2002, Rodolfo J. Paiz wrote:

> Hi!
> OT but no idea where else to go...
> I have a home network using two simple desktop switches; one a 4-port
> Linksys with 2-port printserver builtin, and the other an 8-port Linksys.
> The 4-port's "uplink" connection is used to hook up to a normal port on the
> 8-port, and link lights show up properly when connected or disconnected.
> Machines on each switch can see each other perfectly, but cannot see
> machines on the other switch at all, returning "Destination Host
> Unreachable" errors.
> Any ideas on what might cause this? I've already tried three known-good
> cables, so I doubt that could be the problem...
> --
> Rodolfo J. Paiz

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