I just bought an Epson Stylus C80 to use with RH 6.0 realizing that I
probably wasn't going to realize anything close to the resolution the
printer is capable of without without installing a wad of upgrades.
Things could be going better.

This will buy me a B&W printout using the printtool option for
postsript.  (The red hat is black; the color bar, grays).

[root@localhost rj]# cat /etc/printcap
<snip warning>

##PRINTTOOL3## LOCAL uniprint NAxNA letter {} U_EpsonStylusColor stcany
[root@localhost rj]#

This one is worse!  I wind up using a bunch of paper with 4 or 5 lines
of gibberish printed on each.

 ##PRINTTOOL3## LOCAL uniprint NAxNA letter {} U_EpsonStylusColor
stc800p {}

I have tried some others, too,  but I have yet to see 1 color dot on the

Can anyone offer some words of wisdom here?


Disclaimer: This tagline was generated randomly
and does not necessarily reflect my opinion.

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