>>>>> "ps" == pochy s <pochy> writes:

    ps>     Hello every one!:
    ps>     Lets see now, this is my thing.... my wife is getting unrequested 
    ps> mail each day in her
    ps> mail box, and she wants me to block that people, from send her e-mails. 
    ps> She acces the web trhugout my box, and she is using M$-Outlook. My 
    ps> question is, If she getting her mail from "mail.herwebserver.com" can I 
    ps> use my sendmail server "mail.homemail.com" to prevent the Spam in her 
    ps> computer, or do I have to go to a firewall configuration, or packet
    ps> filtering such as IPCHAINS?

There are many ways better than this to delete spam, but the simplest
method with sendmail 8.8 ->  add the spammers address to

Ray Curtis                                     
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]                             http://www.ccux.com

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