I'm not sure about vsftp but most ftp servers I've used require that a
user have a valid shell to be allowed to ftp.  The shell's absolute path
must appear in /etc/shells.  You could add /sbin/nologin to /etc/shells
and it should fix your problem.

To keep a user in the home directory, however, you need to run the
session chrooted as someone else has already pointed out.


On Thu, 21 Mar 2002, Chapman, Matt wrote:

> Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2002 12:45:24 -0500
> From: "Chapman, Matt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: vsftp
> Hi,
> I installed vsftpd and I like it much better thus far than the hole
> ridden wu-ftpd.  My question is when I make a user's shell /sbin/nologin
> so they can not telnet it also cuts off there ftp.  How do I make it so
> a user can ftp , not telnet, and for that matter keep them only in the
> home dir they have permission too.
> -matt
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