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On Tue, 9 Apr 2002, Rodolfo J. Paiz wrote:
>But the point is that dynamic DNS updated from DHCP would, I feel, be a 
>better way. Less management, therefore time and money savings.

In a dynamic network, that's probably correct. My home network tends to be 
very stable. I would guess that most small business networks are stable 
enough not to need DHCP.

If you're talking about UNIX/Linux boxes, then DNS is almost a requirement. 
But if it's Winboxes, WINS on a small network basically manages itself.

[some good points snipped]

>>If the visiting machines are Windows, just enable WINS on a Samba
>>server and recent versions of Windows will use WINS to resolve DNS queries.
>More services, more risks, again more work. Why take the hard way?

Not "more services".

If you have visiting Windows machines that you plan to have access your
network, then you're probably already running Samba. It's not an additional
service. All you need to do is uncomment the line in smb.conf that turns on
WINS. After that, there aren't any name resolution issues for Winboxes. No 
management required.

>>For small networks, DNS and DHCP are often more trouble than they're worth.
>Beg to differ. I find caching nameservers and DHCP to be an absolute 
>godsend, and no work at all. Take 45 seconds to setup since I already have 
>a stock named.conf and dhcpd.conf I give to all my customers. Certainly 
>faaaaar less work than going around to *every* box and manually configuring 
>its IP address, netmask, gateway, yadda yadda yadda. Again, *that's* work.

For dynamic networks, that's true. But you have to configure networking in 
every box anyway. And it's not a matter of walking around to a dozen boxes. 
They have to be configured as they join the network. It's not like you're 
going configure all of them at once.

- -- 
Anthony E. Greene <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]%3E>
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Comment: Anthony E. Greene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 0x6C94239D


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