> From: "rob" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi folks,
> I'm trying to do a RH 7.2 install on a box that has a nVidia 128 meg DDR
> GEForce 4 Ti 4600.  The RedHat installer doesn't seem to know about this
> card, and in fact only goes up to a GF 3 with 64 meg.  Consequently, X
> Windows doesn't work.  Any ideas how I can get this card working?
> Thanks,
> Rob Yale

In an effort to stop this thread from repeating past long winded
threads about NVidia drivers . . .

It's not surprising that the installer doesn't know about it since the
card came out after Red Hat 7.2 You may be able to get 2D support by
setting it up as a GF 3, but if you shelled out the bucks for a GF 4 I
assume you want 3D accelerated graphics. NVidia can't/won't (I'm not
certain exactly which) release the specs so it is impossible for open
source drivers to exist. NVidia does provide their own "drivers" for
Linux (you need a kernel driver and a GL library - see nvidia.com);
these drivers are know to have bugs (although most of the time they
work reasonably well if you follow the README instructions carefully)
so use at your own risk (i.e., don't ask for support/help from Red Hat
since they can't support them without the source code for them). If it
doesn't work, bug NVidia.


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