Hello Dave,

This might be a bit OT and I also don't want to start a long thread, but I
am sure I saw the source code on that same download page. Its both in rpm
and .gz form. I used it when I changed kernels, because the RPM only
supports the RedHat Kernel numbers.



----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Reed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 21:36
Subject: Re: nVidia GEForce 4 Ti 4600

> > From: "rob" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > Hi folks,
> >
> > I'm trying to do a RH 7.2 install on a box that has a nVidia 128 meg DDR
> > GEForce 4 Ti 4600.  The RedHat installer doesn't seem to know about this
> > card, and in fact only goes up to a GF 3 with 64 meg.  Consequently, X
> > Windows doesn't work.  Any ideas how I can get this card working?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Rob Yale
> In an effort to stop this thread from repeating past long winded
> threads about NVidia drivers . . .
> It's not surprising that the installer doesn't know about it since the
> card came out after Red Hat 7.2 You may be able to get 2D support by
> setting it up as a GF 3, but if you shelled out the bucks for a GF 4 I
> assume you want 3D accelerated graphics. NVidia can't/won't (I'm not
> certain exactly which) release the specs so it is impossible for open
> source drivers to exist. NVidia does provide their own "drivers" for
> Linux (you need a kernel driver and a GL library - see nvidia.com);
> these drivers are know to have bugs (although most of the time they
> work reasonably well if you follow the README instructions carefully)
> so use at your own risk (i.e., don't ask for support/help from Red Hat
> since they can't support them without the source code for them). If it
> doesn't work, bug NVidia.
> Dave

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