Need more info:
-motherboard ?
-ram EDO, sdram... (pc66, pc100, pc133)??
-cpu ?
-Hard drive?
-BIOS vers. ?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dan Horth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2002 4:17 AM
Subject: can't restart server - repost

> Hi - I'm having problems with my test server at home (basically a machine
that was found in the street, cleaned up and is now our home firewall /
router / server / my test environment)
> anyway - since I found the machine I don't really know it's history - but
am having a problem that I've not really seen on any computer before where
if I try to reboot the machine it goes through all the shutdown process,
gets to the "rebooting system" message where it would normally do a soft
reset, then it just hangs there...
> I then have to press the reset button on the box to get the reboot to
continue. makes it a bit crap if I end up having to reboot the server
> just wondering if this is likely to be a hardware problem, and if there is
some stuff anyone can think of that I should start checking to resolve this.
> it is quite possible (probable) that the jumpers on the motherboard are
set wrong - the machine was locking up for a few days and when checking the
jumpers found the person who built the machine had set the CPU voltage
jumper to 2.8 v - as opposed to 2.9 as listed on the CPU. since upping the
voltage the server hasn't locked up again - although I'm now having strange
VGA interference whenever the CPU load is up...
> anyway - would be great to get these little niggling problems sorted...
any pointers or reference to information sites would be most appreciated!
> thanks in advance...
> - dan.
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