At 4/23/2002 08:53 PM -0400, David Kramer wrote:
> > but i need to get a Virus Scan [...]
> > or maybe exist something better than
> > MailScanner,
>Yes.  Procmail.

A singularly unhelpful response, David. Clearly the guy hasn't a clue and 
is looking for pointers on how to get started; a one-word answer (and a 
cryptic one at that) does him no good.

Procmail is not a virus scanner; it can be used for such a purpose if one 
finds on the Internet a set of recipes that scan for common virii but that 
is *not* its original purpose. Since you failed or neglected to even 
mention finding recipes, God forbid actually give the guy a URL, likely all 
you will do is confuse him.

Could you perhaps add a little detail, so your efforts to help him may be 
more successful?

Rodolfo J. Paiz

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