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On Wednesday 24 April 2002 06:43 pm, daniel wrote:
> >  BIND named running as a non-root user should be secure enough for
> > any use as long as you are careful to disable remote access via rndc,
> > deny updates from all but trusted networks yada yada.
> how exactly do you prevent a single program like rndc from being run
> from a remote machine while allowing a remote login like ssh?

I was about to answer with something along the lines of "If a user 
logging in via ssh can get root access, you have bigger things to worry 
about." Then I thought better of it and decided to test this.

I'm a little worried about the results:
[mfratoni@paradox updates-7.2] $ ssh tuxfan
[mfratoni@tuxfan mfratoni]$ id
uid=500(mfratoni) gid=500(mfratoni) groups=500(mfratoni)
[mfratoni@tuxfan mfratoni]$ /usr/sbin/rndc reload
rndc: reload command successful

Hrmm, said I. Any user can reload zones? Surely that shouldn't be.

[mfratoni@tuxfan mfratoni]$ /usr/sbin/rndc halt
rndc: halt command successful

Non privileged uses can halt named as well? I wouldn't consider that a 
desirable feature.

The man page seems to imply that only root _should_ be allowed to do this:
     This command allows the system administrator to control the 
operation of a name server.

Very odd. Hopefully, I've just missed something in the config files?

- -- 
- -Michael

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