On Thu, 9 May 2002 at 1:47pm (-0500), Manzabar wrote:

> I've got a RedHat 7.2 box running as a server.  I rarely log into it except
> remotely, even though I sit right next to it.  The other day due to a power
> failure; I was rebooting it and noticed that it wasn't detecting the sound
> card.  I ran sndconfig but it wasn't found.  I did a search of the system
> and found that it wasn't installed.  So I installed it off of rpmfind.net
> and found that it also required me to install: awesfx, sox & playmidi.  I
> got everything installed, ran sndconfig, configured the sound card (it's an
> ancient SoundBlaster 16 ISA card) and everything went beautifully.
> So why am I writing this e-mail?  Because since I did that about every 2
> minutes the box has been beeping at me and I don't know how to make it
> stop.  It's a simple "beep, beep" noise coming from the internal speaker.
> Could somebody point me towards some documentation that will help me find
> why it's beeping like this?  Or should I just rip out the connection to
> that internal speaker?

Hmm... personally I'd check your six for enemy submarines.

Umm... seriously though I would suspect that the beeps arn't coming from the
operating system at all but are being generated by the hardware.  
Overheating or imminant drive failure often set some BIOS to beeping - as
sort of all purpose warning light.  Could something have gone awry with your
box caused by the power outage?


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