Installing RH for the first time, using 7.3, I've run into two questions
regarding security:

 1) I've scanned newsgroups, this maillist and other resources. But I can't
find a solution to stop X listen for incoming connections at TCP port 6000.
How do I do this?

 2) What file integrity checker is the best choice? Simple setup more
important than many features. I've looked at AIDE, but not succeeded in
compiling it. I've looked at Tripewire, but the configuration seems very
complex. Should I sit down with the manual and learn Tripwire, or is for
instance Samhain a good choice?

 Also, this is what I've done so far, security-wise:

 1. During installation, a clean one, set the security at "high" and
"standard rules" for the firewall.
 2. Shut down every service listening for incoming connections. Just X and
xinetd (listening at som UDP port, this is something I have figured out yet)
 3. Changed default umask to 077.

 Is there anything obvious I have forgotten and should do, beside installing
a file integrity checker, before I put the computer online the first time
and runs up2date? The computer is only being used by me and is on a
SOHO-network with only trusted computers, all protected by a firewall.

 Best regards,


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