--- Rob Saul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > 
> On Thursday 30 May 2002 11:27, you wrote:
> > I agree with you.  Every 'i' and 't' can't be expected, and I
> always
> > could file a bug report.  But wait!!  I already did.
> > https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=65675
> > Following that, I replied offline saying that it should have been
> > documented.  I received an email informing me that I was, more or
> less,
> > curt.  And that I had been added to his procmail filter, so don't
> bother
> > replying.  And that he didn't mind checking my 'bugs' as NOTABUG,
> and
> > that he would be sure to look down on any future 'bugs' I might
> have.
> >  I'd post the email, but it pissed me off so much that I deleted
> it.
> Oh jeeze...
> Do I know where you're at.  You see,  I made my living doing
> software
> QA for many years.  Sounds like you've come up against a Prima Dona
> Developer.   No doubt your bug report neglected the offer to grovel
> at the
> developers feet, kiss they're toes, and tell them you're not
> worthy. 
> _If_ you want to get this fixed you have to make a stink.  The only
> hope is
> to get the ear of someone higher up the food chain that can tell
> this person 
> they're being a jerk.  
> > I have to admit, this is the first time I've felt of RedHat as a
> > corporate entity.
> This sounds like the act of one dev.  Too bad you deleted the
> email. 
> If  it came from within  redhat.com, you should have forwarded it
> to as many
> people inside RedHat as you thought appropriate.   With a civil
> comment.  
> A well placed, thoughtful email will get more action than a
> thousand emails
> shouting "you fsck'ing @%^@$".  Not that I am assuming your "curt"
> email
> was insulting.
> Given that I use Mesa stuff I might just hit this same problem. 
> Maybe.  If
> I do......
> I don't claim to be a great coder, doc writer, etc.  But, I do 
> appreciate it when someone who does not have to goes to the
> trouble of pointing out where I screw up.  This is a great way to
> learn.
> Marking something as NAB when it clearly caused a problem for a
> user
> just isn't cool.  
>       ~Rob
>               getting off soap box now.
> -- 
> Rob Saul.:|:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:|:.de recta non tolerandum
> sunt

Just to add to this I have read the bug report and mharris comments
and I agree it is out of order
>>>>>>>> bugzilla entry
>From Bugzilla Helper:
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.9)

Description of problem:
What happened to Mesa?  Many 3d programs need Mesa, but none exists. 
Some files
that used to be in Mesa in 7.2 are now in some XFree86 packages, but
not all. 
For example, GL/glut.h is missing.

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

How reproducible:

Steps to Reproduce:
1.Not in SRPMS dir mirrors
2.Not on cd
3.Not in RPMS dir on ftp mirrors

Additional info:

I've read the RELEASE-NOTES, and every other piece of documentation,
but no
mention of Mesa disappearing.  Quite displeased with this lack of
Additional comment by [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2002-05-29 18:10:34 
I assure you that everything is both present and working properly. 
you've got X installed, then you've also got libGL installed.  It is
hard to verify this really.  It's also not hard to ask someone on a
mailing list rather than filing a bogus bug report.  Bugzilla is not
a technical support forum.  Filing bug reports to ask questions only
wastes valuable developer time, as such, I do not answer tech support
questions via bugzilla unless an actual bug is involved.

rpm -q --whatprovides is your friend also.
<<<<<<< end bugzilla entry

The querent has obviously looked for the file referred to and did not
ask whether packages were installed but what changes had taken place
(as I assume programs were bombing because of it)

In addition bugs are supposed to be reported to bugzilla  and not on
mailing lists

As far as I am concerned one of the purposes of bugzilla is to
ascertain whether things are bugs or not

The attitude of the developer is thankfully something that I have not
come accross before

Just as an aside would not suprise me from the items referenced if
problem was with mplayer and as everyone is aware this is another
developer with an attitude problem
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