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On 2/06/2002 at 4:07 AM Paul Greene [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[gregausit/redhat-list] wrote:

>I just installed 7.3 on an IBM T21 Thinkpad. All went well except for one 
>little gotcha.
>The screen goes blank every 5 minutes. Moving the mouse doesn't bring the 
>screen bank; only pressing a key on the keyboard brings the screen back.
>I've been digging through all the menus in Gnome trying to find either a 
>screensaver parameter somewhere (there is a screensaver set, but it's set 
>for 20 minutes, not 5), and trying to find something possibly related to 
>laptop utilities.
>I'm sure it's something simple, but I just can't figure it out.
>Anyone have a suggestion?

Check the power setup in the IBM bios.


Greg Wright

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