On Sun, Jun 23, 2002 at 05:40:13PM +0200, Wolfgang Pfeiffer wrote:

> Problem the last time is, that the addressees' mail servers often
> seemingly do not recognize and/or accept my local IP as a valid
> mail server IP, thus rejecting my mail. At least this is my guess ...
> So how can I still use my local IP's (I get them dynamically assigned
> by my ISP) for relaying my emails from my machine here *without* using
> my ISP's mail server?

Small world :)

All your ISPs IP's are listed with DUL (Dialup User's List). Anyone
subscribing to this, will reject your mail. There is only one way to
defeat this, and that is to relay through somebody that is not on the
list. This can be done on a per domain basis. IIRC, in sendmail it is 
/etc/mail/mailertable. I have a similar situation, and I just relay
through my ISP only where needed. This is my accrued list:

.rr.com                        smtp:[mail.bellsouth.net]
rr.com                        smtp:[mail.bellsouth.net]
.aol.com                       smtp:[mail.bellsouth.net]
mediaone.net                 smtp:[mail.bellsouth.net]
.sourceforge.net             smtp:[mail.bellsouth.net]
pobox.com                     smtp:[mail.bellsouth.net]
foobox.net                    smtp:[mail.bellsouth.net]
onepost.net                    smtp:[mail.bellsouth.net]
uswest.net                    smtp:[mail.bellsouth.net]
earthlink.net                 smtp:[mail.bellsouth.net]
mindspring.com                 smtp:[mail.bellsouth.net]
adelphia.net                 smtp:[mail.bellsouth.net]
verizon.net                 smtp:[mail.bellsouth.net]
comcast.net                 smtp:[mail.bellsouth.net]
kscable.com                 smtp:[mail.bellsouth.net]
mmcable.com                 smtp:[mail.bellsouth.net]
logantele.com               smtp:[mail.bellsouth.net]
eastlink.ca                 smtp:[mail.bellsouth.net]
cableatlantic.nf.ca         smtp:[mail.bellsouth.net]
ptd.net                     smtp:[mail.bellsouth.net]
lists.sourceforge.net        smtp:[mail.bellsouth.net]
users.sourceforge.net        smtp:[mail.bellsouth.net]
users.sf.net                smtp:[mail.bellsouth.net]
.sf.net                    smtp:[mail.bellsouth.net]

There is a bit of a redundancy there as I am not 100% sure of syntax.
Then build the db with:

makemap hash /etc/mail/mailertable.db < /etc/mail/mailertable

And probably restart sendmail (I am using postfix now, so don't recall
what sendmail requires to re-read this).

I don't think there is a better solution, to be honest. Good luck. 

Hal Burgiss

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