> Brian Davis wrote:
> > Ok, so what size should partitions actually be ??
> > 
> > I am running a server and my /var always seems to be too small.  Log
> > files fill it up, spool files fill it up etc etc.  300Mb free seems too
> > little on /var.
> > 
> > /home doesn't leave much suer space.  Especially if I turn on Samba, I'd
> > be stuffed.
> > 
> > Even /usr is rather full @ 1.9Gb in size.
> > 
> > Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> > /dev/sda6             372M  329M   24M  94% /
> > /dev/sda1              45M  8.9M   34M  21% /boot
> > /dev/sda5             703M  322M  345M  49% /home
> > none                  251M     0  251M   0% /dev/shm
> > /dev/sda2             1.9G  1.6G  194M  90% /usr
> > /dev/sda7             251M  147M   91M  62% /var
> > /dev/hda1              19G  2.7G   15G  15% /usr/local/backup
> > /dev/hda2              17G  5.2G   11G  32% /opt/archive
> > 
> > 
> > Most of these were "Auto-Created" when installing. If the OS chose the
> > sizes wrong, what should I set them to ??
> > 
> > Can I reset these on the fly, or does it require a new system build
> > (Yuk)

I learned through experience what sizes were best for me. Different
people use systems differently and therefore have different space
requirements. Running linux on less than 4gb will mean that you are
tight on space, and might be able to make better use of your space if
you make fewer partitions. The options I see: fine-tune your partitions
based on your experience, use fewer partitions, get more disk space (I
realize this may not be an available option for you). Is there any free
space on your SCSI drive?

I tend to be generous, and I have these partition sizes:

Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2               243700    146332     97368  61% /
/dev/sda1                30736      9490     19659  33% /boot
/dev/sda5              1000408     32928    967480   4% /tmp
/dev/sda6              1999800    957016   1042784  48% /var
/dev/sda7              4921656   2257048   2414600  49% /usr
/dev/sda8              1968396   1682936    185468  91% /home
/dev/sda9              2953164    955640   1847512  35% /usr/src
/dev/sda10             1968396     58056   1810348   4% /usr/local
/dev/sdb1              2064144     37044   1922192   2% /opt


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