On Thu, Jul 04, 2002 at 06:11:11PM -0400, Jay Daniels wrote:

> Anyone running tinydns?

Yes, I am.

> Our isp dns server and/or their routing to the dns servers is always
> going down.  To further investigate the problem I would like to run my
> own local full dns server on my DSL gateway box which will only allow my
> localnet to connect (I assume it's udp?).  I also assume this is not
> just a caching dns server but tinydns itself and would operate
> independently from my ISPs DNS servers.
> I have djbdns tools and svscan installed on redhat linux.  Now is this
> correct. Do I or can I run a my own dns server from a DSL connection and
> where do I start setting this up?
> I will use this mainly for testing purposes when the follow problem
> occurs:  my isps remote dns servers are not reachable but I CAN connect
> using a sites ip address.
> If possible I wish to use this tinydns and avoid named.
> I reviewed this page, http://cr.yp.to/djbdns/faq/tinydns.html but still
> don't know if it will work for my purposes.  If it relies on my isps dns
> it would do no good.

You sound a bit confused. I think what you want to run is not
tinydns, but dnscache. There are 2 components in djbdns, dnscache, and
tinydns. dnscache is what you install if you want to be able to resolve
host names of other sites on the Internet. You run tinydns if you want
to provide resource records for your own domain. In you case, you seem
to just want to do resolution, and so you want to run dnscache. It's
very easy to set up, and all the instructions are on


Anand Buddhdev

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