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Glen Lee Edwards wrote:

>I started looking when Apache wasn't loading existing pages, kicking out 
>an error that the requested document wasn't on the server, even though 
>it was.  I wasn't able to find anyone who could provide a fix. 

I don't recall the discussion, but this may not be the best place to ask
it;  you might try the apache list at moongroup.com next time.  It may
also be that you didn't provide enough information for anyone to help
you.  Further, at least in my case, one reason I personally can't be
very helpful with apache problems on this list is because I don't use or
recommend rpm installs of internet-exposed server software.  Ergo, I'm
not well acquainted with the peculiarities of Red hat's configurations.

>Since then Apache 2.0.39 was released, which I installed.  That fixed
>the problems.

Glad it worked out, but I'd bet it was a configuration issue that for 
some reason wasn't a problem for you in the new version.

>I had already installed AOLserver for testing and am using it on one IP 

If you're willing to use that, you probably don't share my objections to 
rpm installs of apache, either.  ;-)

>To answer your question, right now there's no immediate need.  But if I 
>have trouble again and can't get support, I need a backup server.  And, 
>frankly, if in the search for a backup I find a web server that peaks 
>my fancy, I'll switch to it and use Apache as the backup.

It's all about choices, and it's nice to have many.  I certainly don't
mean to discourage exploration; I just don't want to see you ditch a
good product because of a fixable problem.  You may have just looked in
the wrong places or asked the wrong questions.

Cheers -d

- -- 
David Talkington

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