There are two ways of doing this, the first is cacheflow
( They have a tool for generating load called cfmc
(cacheflow measuring client) if you goto the home page and do a search
for cfmc, it has binaries for various opssys. It is a command line and
will generate 16 independant connections a second based on a list of
urls (that you have to supply)

Alternativly Microsoft do one, which is freely downloadable from thier
website, and does work but only on MS machines (natch)

Hope this helps

On Wed, 2002-07-10 at 21:12, Chapman, Matt wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to stress test a proxy filter for concurrent connections.  I
> am looking for GPL software that can do this...
> Can wget be run to do this somehow?
> -- 
> Matthew Chapman                 .~.
> Network Engineer                /V\          
> Orange County Public Schools   // \\ 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]             /(   )\
> "Don't fear the penguin!"      ^^-^^
> ----

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"One by one the penguins are stealing my sanity"

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