On Sun, 2002-07-14 at 08:56, Dan Sabo wrote:
> HI Ed,
> Thanks, The problem seemsto be that no matter which changes I attempt to
> save in the network config window in Linux, Linux will not allow me to make
> the changes and reverts back to the original IP settings.  So no matter
> which gateway I choose, I can't implement it.  DO you know what would cause
> this?

Sounds weird.  I am not faminlar with the gui tools but are you sure you
are clicking OK and not blindly hiting enter?  I have seen CANCEL be th
default even after entering something in a text box.  I am assuming that
you cannot even launch the tool without being root so that permissions
are not a problem.

If none of this is the problem why don't you send the output of the
following commands on the dell: 

cat /etc/syconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

seems like I recall from an earlier post there are two interfaces if not
ignore this one

cat /etc/syconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 
route -n


This is enough info to start setting up you configs manually.


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